London Musings.

Ah. Well.
Just some musings I've been having.

Last year, I went to England with my family. The last 3 days, we went to London. I was the most excited about this part of the trip, even thogh it meant I was going home soon.

When we got into the hotel, me and my mum walked around for abit. We wanted to find Tescos, and get some lunch.
Mum was directing, and we got lost.
I decided to direct her, kind of take the laed, and we found Tescos.

London was amazing. I really felt a pull towards it. Like 'd been there and lived there before, like in another life time.

I guess thats why I'm fitting in so well in Perth. I mean, hey, Perth is NOT London at all, but its big, and full of people, and it makes me feel safe.

I keep having dreams about London, and I defenetly want to go back there some time soon.

I even want to live there, even if its only for 6 months.

I'm a travel girl, but at the end of the day, I like home. I love Australia.

I just find it weird, but comforting, how much I love London.
December 28th, 2007 at 09:13am