
It was 11:11 and I made a wish. And I just started thinking about my friends. Who they are, what they are, and why they're my friends. I have such an array of friends- and now I start thinking why can't everyone just be all in one big group. Like a huge family. How come it's necessary to be split up into many differnet groups, when we all have one thing in common. We all know how to be a great friend to atleast one other person. How come we can't all be friends.

Another thing, what is perfect. To me, it's something you want in yourself, but maybe if you don't have it in yourself- you want it in someone else. Our society is very materialistic. Most of us (sadly.) look for "looks" in another. Why? Most of us know something about ourselves that we don't like- right? So when you see someone that has what we want- we think it looks good. I'm not sure if this makes sence, but it's just my outlook.
So how come we can't accept ourselves for who we are. If we did that, how much more would we look into personality, which is what we should be doing.

Maybe if we all took a step back, and look at what we really have, want, and wish we didn't have- we would be much happier, and we would have much less self pity. If we all realized who we are- maybe; just maybe; we would realize what life is ment to be around us.

Make any sense?
December 29th, 2007 at 11:21am