This is the result of what happens when you give me make-up and a cd.

Aha. I had way too much fun today. I had gone to hot topic and bought make-up and then oh so conviently got bored as anything. Thus, I placed a cd in the boom box and misery business filled the room with great ease. Of being me, the song immediately rushed to my brains and flickered an idea. 'Hey, I have the same make up that Hayley has, why not?'
So this is the result of what happens when you give me make-up and a cd. I couldn't fit them all in my gallery *if ya wanna comment those, that would be..splendiferous :]*, so I figured I would post a journal. :] I hope that's over a hundred words...otherwise I most likely would be banned from the journal section and that would be my metephorical death. :]

December 30th, 2007 at 08:36am