Well, I hope.

So, I'm not sure what the new year may bring, but I do know that I have learned a lot this year.
I've learned that not everything can go as planned, but does anything?

People will lie to you, disown you, and use you with out your knowledge.
People will stomp all over you if you let them, and that you have to be the tuff one in life sometimes.

I also learned, that giving up on the people you love most is okay, that it's not bad, and it can help them see what they did wrong.

I handled my mother's drinking problem, and told her to get help or I'm gone.
I learned that I am not bi, that I am fully gay.
I found out, that you can't take every bodies problem before hand, until you handle yours.

You have to prepare yourself for life, and that's not something I did well.
I learned who I really am, and who I was pretending to be, to shut the voice in my head up.
As Gerard say. I am not afraid to keep on living, I'm not afraid to walk this world alone.

2008's Goals?
1.Lose some weight. fur sure.
2.Reconnect with some loved ones I've pushed away.
3.Forgive people that have hurt me. and let what happen, happen.
4.Live for the moment, not the years.
5.Learn more on my Bass & Guitar.
6.Write more.
8.Actually do these goals.

I guess this is just a reminder, to me, not to fail at all.
January 1st, 2008 at 03:23am