My Stranger

The other night, I dreamt a dream that I met a stranger.

Late at night, when even the street lamps beg for the sun to resurface, to get the much needed sleep they deserve, a heavy mist coated the air, I met a man.

Standing on the edge of a bridge, concentrating on the earth below him, with trembling limbs.

"Whatcha doin'?" I asked, my voice curious.

"Nothin'." He sniffled, wiping away a few tears, "What are you doin'?"

"Nothin'." I shrugged.

"Who are you?" He gave me an accusatory look.

"My friends call me Pita." I smiled brightly."Who are you?" I asked gently. My question was met with an eerie silence, deciding that he wasn't going to answer me anytime soon, I then hoisted myself up, so I was standing on the ledge next to him.

"What are you doing?" A tone of annoyance in his voice.

"You gonna jump?" I asked bluntly.

"Haven't quite decided," He replied.

"Ah. Well, why?" I pondered out loud.

"I've made a few mistakes." He spit over the edge, waiting for the distinct splash, telling us that, it hit the ocean below, "Got no one left." Tears trickled down his face. He didn't bother to wipe them away.

"Surely not." I laughed dryly, "Everyone has someone." He shook his head at my words, more tears falling.


"So, then you're going to jump?" I inquired.

"Yes. Mind leavin'?" He glared at me.

"Nah. Can I join ya?" I smiled up at him.

"W-What?" He finally looked at me, brow furrowed in confusion.

"Can I join you?" I repeated, slower this time, though.

"How old are you?" He cocked his head to the side, confused.

"15." I smiled.

"Young." He sighed deeply, "Why are you being so nice to me? You dont even know me."

"No one should be alone. No one should die alone. In fact, the reason so many people stay walled, is because they're afraid no one will care about them, not that they're afraid of getting their hearts broken, that would be nice. Ya know? To feel something, anything, about someone else. Being alone, simply, is inhuman." I shrugged, "Ya get what I mean?" I cocked a sideways glance at him.

"I guess so." A small, almost nonexistent, smile peaked out from under his frown.

He laced his fingers with mine, pulling me closer to him, and we jumped. Falling into the ocean with a loud splash, the cold water welcoming us with open arms.

Waking up, with cold sweat running down my face, my blood racing, and my heart oddly content.

Late the other night, I dreamt a dream that I met a stranger.
We walked through the gates to hell, hand in hand, together, into the next life grinning like mad men. Telling the Devil to read between the lines, that we've got better, more exciting things to do with our new found life.
January 2nd, 2008 at 03:55am