What In The World....?

Okay, so really, I'm a computer failure. It's true!
Want to know why?
I'll tell you:

I just started an account here, and all is spiffy and fine (which is still is, really) but then I click MY LAYOUTS and it says that I don't have any. Yeah, I know that! So it says title: and I write the title thinking, 'dude, this is easy!'. Then, there's the other box. It says CSS. Now I'm thinking, 'what in the world...!?!?!?!? what the crap is a CSS!?'

So, I asked my dad. He has not clue. Is it anything like an html? If anyone can answer my outragously stupid question, please do answer me, because I'm past the point of confused. Also, I don't like being technology impared. It's not cool. I have this other account on another website. I've had it for about two years, and I've just finally figured out how most things work. Not all of them, but most. TWO YEARS! I'm such a loser.
Oh well, that's cool with me. =)

January 3rd, 2008 at 07:26am