
Wow. Things really suck right now, and I'm a bit on the pissed off side.

I mean, seriously. My life is so screwed up, and all my so called school friends can say is "It's spring break, there's nothing to be stressed about." Hardy har har har. Ignore the fact you're constantly having sleepless nights, forget the fact that you hate yourself, who gives a damn that you ruin everyone's life. WHO CARES ABOUT THAT?!?

Yeah. This sucks. Bad. Nobody at school really gives a damn about how I feel, I'm well aware of that. I dont care. I. don't. care.

Okay, the life of Ghost.

Sleepless nights, hating myself, ruining peoples lives, increased depression pill dose, thoughts of suicide, fighting with parents, who are freaking out and hiding all of the knives in the house, sucky writing, being pissed off at myself, screwing up my life, not being able to enjoy my spring break, stressing out, and friends not caring.

It's times like these when I just want to put myself in a mosh pit, with my best friends, who all live in completely different cities, with My Chemical Romance on the stage, releasing all of my bottled up and built in emotions.

But life is just peachy. Wonderous. Completely wonderous.

Ode to the life of a loser.

April 7th, 2007 at 08:12pm