Why are these words wrong?

"The topic of your journal has to be something worthwhile and can't be silly spam. You need to put effort into your journals."
This is something that means something to me. Would Mibba call it worthwhile? I don't know...

I didn't mean to fall in love with you. It was an accident. I should have made sure you were completely gone from my life before I let myself need you.
All I can do is ask, and all you can do is say no.
I've got one life, and one love, and you're not that person...so why do I still keep thinking of you as I sit at the piano?
As I find the notes for each feeling, as I sing the words my heart whispers to me, I realize that they're for you.
The curtains brush against me as I sit by the window, a ghost of your touch, haunting me in the smooth fabric. And my memories...ghosts of you.
I am cursed. This, this need...it's consuming me.

I'm laughing, and it's daytime. I lie about how I don't need you. Desperately... because I need to make those words real. They don't know. They don't know how I laughed when I was with you, when you weren't so distant.
I felt like myself...as if I didn't have to put on a show, and say the words you wanted to hear. I poured out my heart before you...
Is that why I can't find it?

What a waste. What a mistake.

I hope she makes you happy. I hope you succeed in whatever you do. That's all...

I love him...not you. Why do those words feel so ... wrong?
January 4th, 2008 at 03:29am