A Brand New Year

Well Mibba's certainly different to Quizilla. 'You need to put effort into your journals.' It's a bit bizarre, like school work or something. On Quizilla, it's just like, do what you like. Within reason, of course. But, I guess it's a good thing Mibba wants people to put effort into posts, I suppose it is why I'd gotten an account...

So, effort into a journal post. Well, it is a new year. I thought I'd make some New Years Resolutions that I could actually keep this year.
1. Put more effort into school. Kind of needed, since the uni I want to go to wants two Bs and an A from me.
2. Cook at least 3 times a week. Mostly to make life easier for my mum, but I figure it'll be helpful next year if I can cook.
3. Generally try to be a better person. For me I think this includes having more patience, compassion and understanding for people. But for me, I also want more confidence.
So there we go. For me, those are achievable.

And then there are my targets for 2008;
1. Write a significant amount of a novel. This is actually going alright already. I have the whole idea that for once I'm really happy with, and I have a couple of chapters written.
2. Get to my top uni choice. Obvious target really.
3. Do something worthwhile. I know what I mean, even if it's totally unclear.
4. Forget about everything that's happened here, and just move on properly and find someone else who is actually going to be worth it.
Again, those seem kind of achievable to me. At least, the things within my power.

I don't know what else to tell you. I don't know what's usual for a Mibba journal post!
January 4th, 2008 at 09:35am