The Umbrella Academy - Apocalypse Suite #4

I've just finished reading The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite #4 and I have just got to say that I think it's the best issue yet.

Poor Vanya - being used for evil through her amazing talent. I was almost in tears when I read the part when Pogo is comforting her and tells how special she is; it certainly bought a lump to my throat. Mind you, she looks amazing as "La Voile Blanche". (I'm really not going to say anything more as I don't want to spoil it for anyone)

Obviously, I'm biased and yes, the main reason why I was interested in The Umbrella Academy Suite was because of Mr Gerard Way. However, I have heard all good things about Gabriel Ba and was very interested to see his style of illustrative drawing. I was also blown away with the cover art by James Jean.

The story and the artwork fit snugly together, like hand in glove, creating one of the best comic book stories I have ever read.

You can just tell the story is written by Gerard Way; I would like to think it's based very close to his own life experiences. It is written from the heart and I think every reader will relate to some of the characters; if not all.

It's a classic story of the outcasts/quiet people of this world rising up and doing something great and life changing; something I can definitely relate to! OK, I'll never change the world, but I sure as hell turned my little world into a wonderful place!

I would like to thank Gabriel Ba, Gerard Way and all the Dark Horse crew for making a 28 year old woman pick up a comic (with great anticipation and enthusiasm) and digress in to that wonderful place that I loved so many years ago; CHILDHOOD!

Keep up the fantastic work.
January 5th, 2008 at 05:23am