
I kinda have writers block. So yeah. And I'm really really bored.

Um...School starts on the 7th for me. )=

Ummm.... some random stuff: I rode my bike todayy. it was fun. My daddy and I rode for like, an hour prolly. (I'm 15, by the wayy.)

we rode by this ditch and then we climed down to the water. it was really icky. like major gross!

hahah. mm. then i came home and my mommy and I made lasagna. it was amazingly good. (=

lalala so yeah. i'm very bored. and tired. so I'm gonna go to bed.

by the way. the whole point of this journal was because writers need to write every day;; even if it's just stupid. So this is my way of keeping up on my writing. I'll prolly delete it eventually;; but for now it can stay up!

lots of love,
<3 celiacprincess

P.S. TODAY WAS MY BESTFRIEND'S BIRTHDAY!! SHE TURNED 14! So say Happy Birthday to Shelby Dawn!!

okay. buh-bye now.
January 5th, 2008 at 09:14am