So my birthday was good. I went bowling on the day then the friday after my mom threw me a suprise party at Dressens. It was sooo fun and I pretty much figured out who really cares for me and who doesnt.
Christmas was sucky but thats just because i hate the whole holiday.
So any guys out there i need you to translate something for me. My boyfriend keeps tellin me he wants to stay with me forever but then he wont talk to me. its been like two weeks and he wont say more than one word in a conversation. he really loves to kill a conversation. and so Der says that he's getting bored with me. so guys.... is that it? and if it is what the hell do i do to fix it?
I got my drivers license by the way!
ok i'm tired so goodnight all.
January 5th, 2008 at 10:24am