Everything and anything you need to know about moi!

I guess the first thing I need to say is that I'm an open person, I speak my mind, don't keep secrets and i'll fill any silence with a load of crap you really don't need to know - Just cause I can't stand silence. IT. DRIVES. ME. INSANE!

+ If on my death bed, I look up and don't see a wall of CD's - I'll consider my life unlived. +


Kay, SO I spose I covered some of this in my very shitty profile that I really need to update.
So... I still don't really write. Its something I constantly think about and something that's constantly running through my head every time I hear a song, see a scene, or a movie.

I adapt to themes or accents fairly quickly. I have a habbit of adapting feelings and emotions of the people around me or the characters i'm reading or watching. This can be very bad cause it means i'm emotionally involved in everything. If I don't get a pang of guilt during a break up scene, or a sudden bout of shortness in breath while reading something particularly raunchy... i'll consider it not perfect. But that's just me.

You'll know if i've enjoyed something i've read - Cause i'll comment you and say so. ;D

Um. Since i've moved to Adelaide from the country, seperated from my best friends in the world i've become alittle more introverted. I'm coming out my shell now, but I didn't use to always be like this.
So for three years i've been trapped with my thoughts.
Free to get into any TV show, fad and any fandom without being judged by people. Not properly at least. I was too anti social for that.

So I spent a majority of my day on MSN, roleplaying. I'm guessing some of you will know what that means. -shrug- Its the perfect way to start writing. Teachs the write type of technique, tone of voice, and interaction of characters.

My writing started with BtVS and AtVS on Fanfiction.net, I never finished a story though. Sad as that is. I still read through those old stories and get a pang to write them again. Although I never will.

It wasn't until year 8/9 that I really started to get into music.
My first band... My first love that I was obsessed to the core was THE USED ;D:D
Then came My Chem and I've never turned back.

I accidentally found a fanfiction of them oneday, curious I started reading - I've never really turned back.
Band fic is the bomb ;D:D

... I guess the saying "The rest was History" is applicable.


I'm very very concious on technique, i'm constantly trying to improve mine - Picking up on small things like sentence structure and speach while reading books. Adding it in the little mental column of things I have to check for everytime I write a peace.

I have about...... 7 stories on the go but i've only posted one very short one i'm only slightly happy with. I know that I can do better.
Reading over roleplaying history and reading over stories i've started and finished but moved on to the next one before I could post it.

I have to considerable talents that hinder my writing. 1: Rambiling, 2: Too shorter sentences.

My thought pattern is very fragmented, never quite fitting together properly. Which is probably what you get out of my stories.
Um. An example of how I think is the movie Dreamland. My brain see's the world like that. Exactly like that. So it was kinda scary to watch, to see my brain ... my mind on a TV screen.
If you haven't seen it, find a way to. Its fantastic. ;D


I'm a avid reader of ferard, this does not mean i'm any types of obsessive compulsive about the band that way though.

I see them as that, a band, a band that makes wonderful music and that inspires me everyday to better myself in every way. Musically, imaginitvely and teaches me the type of kindness and compassion everyone should have in day to day life.

I read MCR fics because not only are they interesting plots, are well structed and more often then not gramatically correct. I read them because it offers a type of story that relates to me.

I see the boys as just a face to fit to a character. Since that's all they are when I'm reading fan fictions.
I see nothing more then that, and sometimes that hinders me.
But it does help me because i'm not manically obsessed with them and I haven't formed a stupid teenie crush on any of the members.

I don't want to meet them.. as stupid as that sounds. Of course I'd love to meet them, see them and talk to them. I just don't want to meet them as me at the moment. I don't want to be seen as a fan. I don't consider myself worthy.

One day, i'll have a band... Hopefully ^^, and I'll have experience and then i'll be able to talk to
Frank about technique, Gerard about vocals, Ray about how... amazing he is at what he does, Bob and Mikey about everything and beyond.
I want to be treated as an equal.
-shrug- You may not agree. I don't care. Its how I feel.

Course i'm not gonna turn down the chance to meet them now, I'm just not gonna go out of my way to do so.

Mmmkay my loves.
I've rambled enough about crap you don't really care about ;D:D

Just if your interested i'm writing two stories at the moment i'll post eventually. Don't doubt it.

ROADIE - A classic band fic... on the road story without the usual obsessive compuslive fan screaming about a band, falling in love with a band member... (Well sort of. Theres an element of that) and the marriage, babies and touring shit.

Tomorrow I'll Change, I promise you = Sequel to Today we are nuns cept its a step back in time, taking you through till the first story.
January 6th, 2008 at 06:17pm