First day back at school. Interesting to say the least.

So, today was kind of...odd. I won't say I had a bad day, but there were just these little weird things that threw my day off track. You know what I mean?

I was really glad to see my friends again. I'd been going insane sitting in my room all day, having a glass of water and soda and chips (if I was lucky) for lunch. Except I still have those 5 pounds I gained over the holidays.

Anyway, the morning was good. I wasn't used to having to dodge people in the hallways, which is a real art in my school. So I bumped into 3245839 people. We had a fire drill in Spanish. I also found out that in late Febuary my school band gets to go to a show. Just for fun. So that gave me something to look forward to. I love band events this year, because almost all my friends are in band and they basically let you do whatever you want. :D

Except band took a downward spiral. One of my friends who shares the class period with me collapsed in the band office during class. Like, lying-on-the-floor-pale collapsed. I freaked out. I almost had a nervous breakdown, my second one in three days. <.< I worry about my friends a lot so...yeah. The last thing I saw was her being taken out in a wheelchair. Haven't heard from her since.

Last but not least, exams are in a week and I really, really need to study. My brain's been wiped clean on everything in math and English we learned. Especially math, which I'm really bad at anyway. So I have to study for Spanish, English, Math, Science and Social Studies tonight. Funfunfun. My Spanish CAP (like a mini-exam) is tomorrow and I have to speak with a partner. Spanish is one of my best subjects after English, but I have to do it with the same partner everytime and he isn't that smart and doesn't even try. So I get horribly nervous. If it's in front of the class I might die.

It's quite hot today. I live in the southern U.S., and it's 80 degrees outside. Normally it's freezing cold, around 50 or 40. Stupid global warming.


How was everyone else's day?
January 8th, 2008 at 06:05am