shower wars

I live in a house with my sister, my brother, my mom , her husband, (on the weekends) my step-brother, and usually atleast one of my cousins. We only have ONE bathroom. Every night we end up fighting over who gets to take a shower first. So after we eat dinner, who ever gets their stuff together and gets into the bathroom first gets to shower first. Then who ever tets there next gets to shower next and we keep doing that until everyone has showered. I am usually in the bathroom first because I get my stuff together right after school and put it in the bathroom closet. but tonight, I let my sister go first because she helped me with my class schedule for next school year. So I am sitting here at the computer, which is right outside of the bathroom, with all of my stuff waiting for my sister to get out of the shower so I can get in there next. Until then I am bored so I decided to write a journal entry about it...
January 8th, 2008 at 07:11am