R.I.P. Betti 12/25/06 - 01/05/08 & My Dream

My Ipod nano DIED.

Stop laughing its serious.

Betti was the best little gay green i-pod ever.

I love him


And he will surely be missed


Especially by his boyfriend in Florida, another little gay Ipod, whos owner is Ciara Daily, and the other members of the Rainbow I-pod club from Stilwell.

His death was an unfortunate accident. It happened while I was in the car earlier to pick up my step dad from work. Me and my mommie were waiting for him in the parking lot and she went in to go get him. So I leaned over to lock her door and roll up her window from the passengers seat, so no one would steal me. I was sitting there for a few minutes thinking about my dream last night (which I'll tell you in a few minutes, because it's related) and then I heard some fizzy poppy noises and looked at the cup in the holder and then-


Betti was in the cup of freaking coke =O

so yeah I was screaming and crying and hysterical and I pulled him out and I tried to find something to dry him off with but there were no napkins or towels in the car so I used my shirt and attempted to clean him and save him but yeah it didnt work...

it sucks and he's dead.

I'm going to have a funeral after I post this and you know I'll play mcr lol

no seriously.


ehhhh I just realized that >.<

We'd been through so much together =[ He blocked out my mom when she screamed at me and bad music on the radio. He got me through long road trips, long bus rides, and long class periods. I miss him....

SO! like I said, my dream I had last night is related...

In my dream, I had a little adopted baby girl named Hope and she was disabled and pre-mature and I dont know how, but she had burns all over her body. So I'm in the bathroom with her, giving her a bath and then the water keeps filling up and we're locked in and soon the water is getting higher and higher and I know we're going to die. So now I'm holding and I keep saying ,"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry and it's going to be okay." But she's smiling and I'm like WTF? "We're going to die!!" and she's like, "I'm okay with that, I love you." And I'm still freaking out and then whenever I touch her, she gets shocked and then she starts crying like really loud. Now the water is almost to the very top of the room and I cant swim to keep her and myself afloat so I stand on the edge of the bath tub and try to hold her up. My head's tilted and whenever I talk water is like bubbling and I'm like," I'm sorry, I love you. I love you." And then we go under and then thats it.

Yeah Hope is that little girl from the documentary My Flesh and Blood. Dont know if you've seen it but I saw it in career life planning.

So yeah in my dream, I'm trying to save my baby from drowning and today I tried to save my baby (Betti) from drowning.


a coincidence?!

I think NOT.

I'm telling you, it's Criss Angel mind powers lol


In Loving Memory of Betti

12/25/06 - 01/05/08


p.s. DONT comment and be mean, i'm not joking about this.
January 9th, 2008 at 11:08am