My Tribute.

This part of my journal here is dedicated to my two best friends in the whole world.

Without them, I would be invisible and dead to the world.

sinsa-4-eva && orgas.

They hold my trust close, and I would trust them with my life and soul.

They are more supportive than a spinal cord, but if something of mine is crap, they will put in light terms and never leads me on false hopes.

They don't care how stupid I act, and I act stupid most of the time.

They don't care how clumbsy I am.

How weird I am.

How different I am.

They just see me as Megan.

A unique and special friend that will always be held dear to their hearts.

No matter how teasing orgas is, he always brightens my day with some joke or compliment, and well, sinsa just doesn't really tease me.

I fear what would have happened if I hadn't broke out of my shyness for a second and asked sinsa to sit with her at lunch.

Before that I was trapped in a friendship, that one would classify as me being stupid for staying her 'best friend' and I was smothered by my enemies.

sinsa and orgas opened a new door for me, when i thought i was forever trapped within my feelings.

I felt i could breathe again, after years of holding my breath and i knew i was free to be me.

I am eternally gratefull to them for that.

I have many flaws, but rather then point them out these two deny it and if necissary I get a good slap on the head.

After we go our seperate ways unwillingly this summer, I will be eternally unhappy, but when bad times happen I shall think of them first and smile, knowing later on I can go home and wait for them to log on so i can pour my heart out to them and be comforted.

I owe them my life, for saving me from a living hell i had grown used to, and will always love them.
January 11th, 2008 at 05:12am