
There is this place. A place I like to call Kaciville. It is a small place. A place where the sole resident is also the ruler. Sometimes it can be quite lonely, but we do our best to keep fun. Such activities include themed days of fun. Yesterday, for example, there were several themes. The day started with a quiet reading period of Douglas Coupland’s Generation X. Then the day’s activities switched gears. It moved onto reading Matthew Good’s Blog archive and listening to his latest album, Hospital Music, several times over on repeat.

Today’s agenda was quite simple too. It began by listening to the Across The universe soundtrack, which consists of various actors and performers like Bono, Joe Cocker, Evan Rachel Wood and Jim Sturgess singing classic Beatles songs. After that, the event was sitting, alone, in a comfy in the living room, alone, watching old interview videos from The Hour. It was quite pleasant really. Some interviews were purely entertainment only like Michael Buble and The Foo Fighters. But others, well they were great interviews. Great interviews with intelligent people like Matthew Good, Raine Maida, John Cusack and Kenneth Cole. Interviews about social and political of subjects like poverty, war and AIDS. A decently insightful day.

But Kaciville is getting old. There is still a little over a week left before school starts. And no job to go to, my fault of sheer lack of trying to acquire one. And any friends of our lone citizen live a little too far away to see on a regular basis. If one should have any suggestions on different methods of entertainment for Kaciville, please feel free to state them, it would definitely be most appreciated.
January 11th, 2008 at 08:00am