Keep an open mind and don't blink.

Actually that title is from this one time I got something in my eye and my sister's friend Annie told me to keep my eye open and don't blink. Then she blew in my eye. But, not the point.

You know, I seriously misjudged someone.

A girl I once hated I now say "I love you" to.

In fact, when I first met about half my friends, I hated them.

B was, I thought, just annoying. Me and Gabs didn't actively hate each other, but it was kind of hard not to. I thought she was a slut because she loud and flirty and...,well, chesty. She thought I was mean cause I was. I didn't like EH because we have the same name and she seemed boring...

And now those are three of my best friends.

But basically my point is that Sarah B and I are, well, pretty good friends now. Now that she's dumped my obsession there's not that tension between us, like she knows and what is she going to do, and we're at the same lunch table. Also, she's not too inhibited.

Although she's not quite at the point of putting her hand down her pants in the middle of lunch.

"How did you find that out?" Sarah doesn't look quite shocked by the juicy bit of gossip, but she's good at that kind of thing.
"I am not at liberty to reveal my sources." I smirk, enjoying myself in a slightly second-grade way.
She considers this for a minute. By now, she knows me well enough to know I won't tell, and also not to take it personally.
"Will you tell me if I sleep with you?"
January 12th, 2008 at 05:04pm