You Aren't A Freaking Photographer!

Ok, this is just going to be a long bitchy rant.
Most times, they turn out entertaining, so keep reading.

First came the addictive site MySpace. Everything was about your layout, top friends, and the shitload of quizzes you took to decorate your page with. Then, as my age group became older, it was the MySpace pictures that became important.

Photography became the new 'thing.'
All of my friends got fancy digital cameras with 34839485 gigabites and what not and take pictures constantly. (Doesn't help that Facebook is now in for my friends, too.)

My friends are convinced they will become photographers when they grow up.
Also, I've noticed that 'scene' kids in general have become fixated with taking butt ugly pictures of themselves, street signs, or ordinary sunsets thinking that they are the shit. They think they are 'photographers.' LOL!

My big sister- who is 24 or 25 right now- is a photo editor. She went to SCHOOL- an actual art school- for photography and art design. She uses a DIGITAL for fun. You think the digital camera is what REAL photographers use? My big sister used a German camera called a 'hoselblog.' Hell, I spelled that wrong. It isn't all about taking pictures. It is about lighting. Originality. About hard work like interning and actually getting a normal job.

Sure, there are shit loads of photographers that actually take pictures all day... model 'tographers, National Geographic lunatics and people who take pictures of Jeffree Star and the likes.

Scene kids aren't.
15 year old kids with a digital camera, most definitely, aren't.
Sunsets, shoes, scene kids kissing, and girls in overdramatic tutus are not original. Get my drift?
January 13th, 2008 at 10:21pm