There's just something about HIM

I have no clue what it is, but there is just something about them. I don't know if it's the fact that they're from Finland, or if they have a different approach on music or what, there's just something about them that makes them stick out in my mind. And there's something about Ville's voice that I just love. I think they're an amazing band, if you haven't heard of them, listen to them they're really good. I have absolutely no clue what it is about them that I love so much, but I just do. hah I love the fact though how their mainstream and absolutely freakin HUGE, but yet, not many people from where I live know about them. They're just such an amazing band, and for some reason I get the feeling that if you ever got a chance to meet them they'd be really nice and actually talk to you, idunno, that's just me.
January 13th, 2008 at 10:44pm