words with adam. LALALALALA

uh, i got back my journal privileges. i'm not really sure as to why they were taken away in the first place. it's possible i'll lose them again pretty soon. probably without any good reasoning, but that's fine.

i just kind of want to write down what's been going on in my life [and other people's lives] lately. mostly so i can gather my thoughts; you know cause it is a journal. but everyone should feel free to comment.

umm, let's go back to christmas i guess.

it started out fine. presents and shiz, then came the part when i got to talk to my mother. first off, not only had/have i not seen her in a few months, but it was my first christmas without her. so naturally i was kind of sad. so i get to asking her how all my cats are. she tells me that my kitten [whom i love(d) dearly] died. of course, i got upset and told her i didn't feel like talking anymore. which kind of made me feel bad after, cause i mean i didn't want her to think she made my holiday bad. after crying for hours i went to sleep and skipped christmas dinner.

..let's skip to new years. basically around this time i've found out my brother is on drugs. i guess you can say it's gotten kind of bad. i'm pretty sure it could get worse, but let's not think negatively here. lol, yeah. anyway, that was a rough day as well. no need to go into much detail.

then let's see, after that what happened? oh, preparing for my sister's baby shower..so yeah, lots of stress doing everything for the shower. we bought these little buckets online that we gave to the guest as favors i guess you could call them. i stood up till about 3 or 4 in the morning getting them together. that's tying ribbon that said "margaret's baby shower" on it, stuffing it with the duck soap and body wash we bought, [it was a duck themed baby shower] wrapping them, and putting some more ribbon. i did about 60 of those. by myself. doesn't sound hard, but trust me. it was really tiring. that wasn't the only reason why it was stressful. just the whole thing in general. next day is the baby shower.

my sister spent hundreds of dollars on that thing. hundreds. almost a thousand dollars. we invited over 30 people. you know how many came? 8. 8 freaking people!! so all of the money she spent on everything could've gone to buy what she needed for the baby. i mean sure, it was fun. a good experience. but really? eight people? let's just say the people that didn't attend are not getting thank you cards!

then, a few days later..dun dun dun! we welcome baby orion [which by the way did not have that name until the very last minute] into the world!! i got to be there while she was giving birth. [without going into a full description] the midwife traumatized me for life, my sister was scaring me, [i didn't know if she was going to make it or not] and she is absolutely amazing. she pushed him out in i'd say about 5 minutes. i mean she was pushing for maybe 15, but from the time we saw the top of his head to when he was fully out, that was only like 5 minutes. it was insane. i cried. he is so completely adorable.

and a few other minor things i found out, and things that took place.

the cause of my kitten's death shall be bestowed upon my older sister, karen. she bathed him. i'm guessing he either got sick from the product she bathed him with, or maybe it was too cold for him after she did so.

i hailed my first taxi. i was with my sister-in-law. she had been trying for like 5 minutes to get one, about 15 or so just zooming by us. then i start getting impatient, so i'm like *shwing*, *sticks hand out* and all of a sudden *EEEEEEERRRRR* taxi, at our service.

i got lost in the subway, walked around a little bit and tried to decide whether or not to stay and get on another train, or go out and catch a cab. i went with the second option. and where did i end up in front of? fuse studios. i was pretty stoked.

oh, and today my nephew's father [the father to both jadyn and orion] walked out on my sister. they've always had an on again, off again relationship. but i mean you'd think he'd have some fucking compassion and stick around for not only his three year old but his 4 day old as well. if not for my sister, do it for the kids asshole.

wait, one more thing. so i know this kid danny, he's best friends with dakota, my best friends younger brother. we're all friends, it's great. anyway, i told him a big secret. one that i haven't even told my two best friends. i'm wondering if i should feel badly about it.

anywho, this is a pretty lengthy journal entry. i expect people to click on it, see how long it is, and decide they don't feel like wasting time. or maybe no one will click on it. who knows? i don't really care to tell the truth. i'm pretty sure i could've added more. this is just kind of just brushing up on life with linda. but it's long enough, not to mention it's going on 5 in the morning. so saying that, i shall leave now.
January 14th, 2008 at 10:44am