What Gives Guys The Right...

To call a girl ugly just becaus we don't look like Angelina Jolie
To call a girl fat just because she isn't a size 00
To call a girl weird just because she dances in the rain
To call a girl a freak just because she sings like nobody is listening
To call a girl 'not normal' just because she tries to be original
To call a girl a slut just because she has lots of guy friends
To call a girl stupid just because she got a 47% on a test
To call a girl a nerd just because she gets high grades
To call a girl a tom boy just because she has a flat chest
To call a girl a hot whore just because she has big boobs and wears skirts
To call a girl a flirt just because she talks to everyone
To call a girl a party skank just because she likes to have fun
To call a girl an outsider just beacuse she does the thing she likes
To call a girl 'undateable' just because she doesn't want to be in your pants
To call a girl easy just because she wants attention
To call a girl an attention seaker just because she doesn't get any at home
To call a girl a freakin' emo just because she is depressed about something bad in her life
To call a girl a goth just because her favourite colour happeneds to be black
To call a girl a prep just because she likes to wear heels and skirts
To call a girl a fake just because she doesn't know how she wants to be
To call a girl creepy just because she keeps a journal and writes in it
To call a girl a book worm just because she loves to read
To call a girl gross just because she isn't up to your standards
To call a girl lazy just because she is a size 9
To call a girl a twig just because she is skinny
To call a girl anti-social just because she is shy
To call a girl a skanky slut just because she is outgoing
To call a girl ugly just because she doesn't have the booty of JLo

What gives guys ( or anyone ) the right?

January 15th, 2008 at 02:53am