Rave, Rave, Rave.

I'm going to say this, and I dont care what you feel.
Growing up? It sucks.

I mean, what about the times we had as kinds? Running around, eating things we shouldn't and didnt care about?
Not having to watch what we consume, because we'll put it all back on and be fat sacks of crap.
Not having to succumb to the preasures of getting a job, flirting with the boys/girls, investing in our furture...
When getting a licence and a car was the coolst thing ever, and you couldnt wait for it, instead getting to the age where you can, and saying "Hey, ill do it later, right now Ill stick with public transport.."
Having mum do it all.
Not knowing the real worth of a dollar.
Watching TV and seeing those sponsership ads saying "When I grow up...". Now I think "Yes, when I can spare $30 bucks a month, I'll do it," and feeling guilty that I need that money.
Theres so much more I could put.
Smoking was bad, and drinking was -illeeeeeegal.-
Sex was a naughty word, and not realy much thought-of.

I guess im going through my quarter-life crisis right now.
It's just.
As kids, we were naieve.
I guess I still am, but not to the point of denial.

Growing up sucks.
But It's a learning curb.
January 16th, 2008 at 01:10am