
so people make me s made. i mean you think someone is your best friend, but in truth, they are just using you to get what they want, and once they do they ignore you until they need something again. i'm so tired of being used by people. why cant i have one person who will always be there for me. and what is it with people starting to copy you? when a person dosn't even know something exists until you introduce them to it, and all of a sudden they are all "OMG! this is so amazing blahblahblahblah!" and because they have more money then you, they can get more into it then you. and they start telling people about something you told them, right in front of you. or how about wen you tell them something you plan on doing and then all of the sudden before you could do it they do. and when you introduce two people that didn't even like each other and then all of the sudden they are best friends and want nothing to do with you. so now there's no one to talk to and share all you're feelings with so they keep building up.
January 17th, 2008 at 12:13am