Stupid Parents/Slutty Teens

Originally Posted on Myspace:

Ok many of you are tired of myspace and other networking sites getting blamed for sexual predators and girls being kidnapped?...i know i aint myspace's fault that mothers and fathers don't watch their teens or even teach them better...ok i blame the parents when there are 13, 14, and even 15 year old girls posting slutty pics of themselves and saying they are 18 because they think its cool...have you not taught your teen daughters anything? whole life i have been taught not to talk to people i don't know or don't trust, and even when i do i'm not stupid enough to give out everything about me...god there is seriously something wrong when mothers buy their oung daughters clothes like mini skirts, belly shirts, thongs (ok 13 year olds don't need thongs because they don't need to be showin anyone)...i mean come mom never bought me stuff like that cause she knew better...just because your spoiled daughter begs and cries for clothes like that so she can be cooler you buy it...problem1, is hollywood...thats where the problem starts but mothers are enabling it by buying the things they see on tv...there is a simple word to fix it...NO!!!...problem2, is bratz!...those are the slutties dolls i have ever seen since barbie...where has the world dress you young daughter in tiny clothes...she posts slutty pics online...and you blame the site because a guy twice her age wants to meet her because he thinks shes atleast 18...Bottom line to the parents of these teens...WATCH YOUR DAMN KIDS!!!...pry into their lives...snoop through their things...sure they'll get mad if they find out but you'll have the comfort of knowing that your doing your job as a parent and you'll know what you kids are into...also you make the money, you pay their phone and internet have the right to know what they're up to whether they like it or day they'll realize you did what you did because you love them...BUT STOP BLAMING MYSPACE!!!...also to those teen girls...ENJOY YOUR YOUTH...STOP TRYING TO BE OLDER...ONE DAY YOU'LL BE WISHING YOU WERE YOUNGER...i'm getting tired of watching the news and hearing that something else about myspace has been changed because parents are complaing that they don't think their kids are not safe...well then don't let them keep their myspace page...make them listen to you...besides i personally don't think that if your kids aren't responsible enough to know whats out there and how many sick people there are then they don't need to be on the internet unsupervised...
January 17th, 2008 at 05:50am