Muncher's Piss off! #8: Interveiw with andy/shoutouts

Alright, today, was pretty shitty. Well, i was called a fuck up and it steamed me up! I have an interveiw with a radical friend.

Okay, this one goes out to the celebreties who think as they get older they look really bad. They try and stop the aging proccess with technology, such as plastic surgery aka: fuck up your face. Alright, botox makes you look creepy and oversized boobs makes you look like a stripper. I advise them all to lay off the meds and drugs and MAYBE they'll look normal as they age, hopefully dying. *cough*justintimberlake*cough*

Sex songs are the best, i mean who doesnt love them, from marvin gaye to placebo, anything can be considered a sex song. I myself am a virgin and putting it out there for all to hear. Lets replace sex, with makeout. In my opinion hardcore or screamo is such a fucking rad genre to listen to while making out, one: cause its fun two: it makes you horney. haha.

Last blog i talked about many serious thinks and today im going to lighten it up a bit with, a new segment im goi ng to call: SHUT THE FUCK UP! Basically, i want YOU the readers, so send me some mail that is kinda like a shout out, for a person to shut the fuck and why. When i get mail i shall start posting them.

I now have an interveiw with andy, also known as ily to death.

What pisses you off?

well what really pisses me off are liars. cuz i mean if you lie then i dont know when your actually telling me the truth just like the little boy that cried wolf. its a moral story for a reason!

What advice would you give for the musically challenged?

i recomend My Chemical Romance and Linkin Park for a softer sound and Cradle of Filth and Amon Amarth for the heavy deathmetal

Whats the best sex song ever.

id have to say "cry of the blackbird" by Amon Amarth

What would you do if the stopped making poptarts and green tea?

i would probly never have breakfast again and id deff be out of 1 of my fav drinks so id be pissed for sure

What do you think of bush?

i think bush is truly trying to destroy this country. by entering countries we have no reason to be in hes just killing our young soldiers and just making problems for the future of our country by making more enemies than allies.

Whom would you love to tell off?

ohhh i would love to tell of my parents and i probly will the day i move outafter iv had them help me move and all that so ill just me an asshole to them telling them theyre 1 of the reasons i wanna die (which i cant because of promises to friends) and everything iv lied to them about.

Spreading opinions,
January 18th, 2008 at 12:08am