Urghh, What A Day.

Well, today definitely wasn't one of the best days of my life.
My aint just passed away right after christmas and ther has been a lot going on about that. It is just so crazy. I didn't really know her that well so I wasn't too heart broken but can definitely be sad a times, especally for other family members.

I had my friend Sarah over today too. We both made the mistake of doing amazing amounts of head banging after dinnig. God, we really didn't feal good after that. One thing good happened today though, I was actually able to keep my room clean so I don't have to hear my mom yell at me.

I am glad I had a four day weekened though. It is all going to fast. I want school to never come.

Urgh, I wish boming school buildings wasn't illegall. Ha. [ =
January 21st, 2008 at 03:24am