
I'm an only child, some weird shit happened before I was born, where a twin I may have had was miscarried, so I may have had a twin, who knows?
I was very premature but I fought hard and strong for 3 months and I made it, unharmed.
That fighting streak has stayed with me, I have to try my best at everything, usually as far as school or my mum goes it's not enough but that's something I'm dealing with.

My mum is amazing, I'll give her that, she has dealt with a lot of shite, from my dad, other people and herself, she's disabled. Muscular Dystrophy, a curse that's hereditary, that I have a 1/4 chance of having and a 2/4 chance of giving the gene to my kids.
She can be mean as fuck, and treat me like shit sometimes, she isn't one to beat around the bush and will tell you flat out that you're fat, look like shit, or that you're useless.
Of course when I say you, I mean me,

My 'darling father'
I spent a long time trying to think he was dead, but the illusion never lasted because I didn't have a grave to spit on.
I'll write him a song some day and I'll move hell and high water so he hears it, the past ain’t through with him yet.

His two brothers on the other hand, the most amazing beautiful men I've ever met.
They treat me like a daughter, and love them like fathers.

My cat, fuck Lil T pwns, I love her; she's my shadow, my soul, THE BEST CAT EVER!!!

Despite rumours, I'm not anorexic nor do I self harm.

But those that are, they are not freaks; they need a set of decent friends, someone to turn to and a shoulder to lean on.

Do not make fun of those without problems, help them out a little, treat them like you should (to quote Dickens) “as fellow passengers to the grave”

They are no better and no less than you.

Someday, in the far away future, I wanna play bass in a band and sing.
I have a dream to INTERPRET (NOT COVER!!!) Pantera's Cemetery Gates and The Misfits- Descending Angel, but its dangerous ground, on which to tread.

One fuck up, and I'm dead but I'd deserve it.

I admire the Suicide Girls, and I gotta say I wouldn't mind being one, but I dunno if I have the balls.

My best friend, God, I love her, I'd say I'm in love with her but I'm not gay, She's amazing, and beautiful, I' m really proud to call her my friend, she's my rock, we know each other inside out.
I'm lucky to have her as my friend and I thank my dead relatives every day for having her.

I don't believe in God but I do believe my relatives that have died are here with me, especially my grandmother, my uncle and an aunt that was killed before I was born.

I dunno were it came from, I've just always felt she was here with me, making sure I was ok, rather than (to quote a friend, who wasn't being a sacrilege) “some guy and his son, that I’ve never fucking met”.

If I do ever pray, it’s to them not God.

Aside from that I'm not religious, I don't practice, go to church or say prayers regularly, my school is heavily catholic, and it’s run by a nun.
I don't have anything against the church, and I do not, not practice as a sign of rebellion, I just don't feel drawn to it, religion just doesn't move me.

So that’s where/who I come from, where I want to go, and where I am right now.
If you read all of it you're a better person than I am!! Lol
January 21st, 2008 at 08:22pm