The funniest thing happened when i went to my locker...

OK, after registration i went to my locker, to get my books out for english (our teacher's all: "you hav e to bring them every lesson" cause she can't be bothered to proprly teach us). anyway, a guy with posh beckham hair (literally. I'm NOT kidding) was in front of my locker, so i said
"excuse me. youre in front of my locker."
then he said, in a ridiculously high-pitched american accent:
"Oh, i'm sorry! Is this your locker?"

Me: Yes

Him:Oh, i'll open it for you!

I unlocked it and he sort of helped me open it, which was really weird. I gave him a funny look, and went to close my locker, then he said:

"here, i'll help you close it now."

This freak touched my locker. It is now contaminated.
This incident was both highly amusing and mildly scary.
January 22nd, 2008 at 04:39pm