They Think I Have Problems...

And want me to go talk to a shrink again.
I've already been there once.
And it didn't work out.
I dont like the guy, I think he's a freak.
I don't want to go fact. I refuse.

If somethings bugging me,
and I wont tell them,
then why the hell would I tell some freaky guy that I dont even know.
They dont understand, I dont talk about my problems.
Not that I really have any right now.

They've thought that somethings been wrong with me
since Chad killed himself.
Maybe it's because I dont think negatively about it.
Maybe it's because I just dont talk about it.
I dont know.
They just think somethings completely wrong with me.
But honestly,
I'm. Fine.
And I wont go to that wretched place.

I refuse, I refuse, I refuse, I refuse!!
January 23rd, 2008 at 12:36am