Werewolf in Love

Hard to say that I could ever disobey pack rules of the fine line between humanity and imortality, like the same rule while the lion lays with the lamb. Temptation arose from the moment I too in his intoxicatingly delicious scent, the inhuman countours of his features and more wholly the frozen fire in his eyes. The only reason for destroying anything and everything I had ever built up as the inhuman form of myself inner and outer realms.
Such a horrid thing as to lead this unknowing human on to teach him of my ways and then to ever think that things may be the same, he was just a toy- something to occupy myself with while no one even knew I was even missing from the pack meetings. Then as we grew together, I found that his mind, thoughts, emotions, and outlook, was most in fact exhilarating. I was amused how he was falling for my facade as just a disturbed emo girl and how torrid he was about his conversations with me. It was then that I knew I was in trouble, I had wormed my way into his head and almost as a mate for a creature as weak and nieve as he. Not that I'm saying I did much to stop it. I only let out the secret I have been keeping for years so close in barbed wire gates. I knew then that I needed out and fast before I saw him as more than a friend. He spoke of his feelings for me shakily and steady which in turn aroused my imagination. I thought out exactly what I would do, make him my own. Which he was willing to do to my suprise and sullenly I forthed my reversing into human.

The idea of this journal is... was it worh it? Losing the lycan life for good? Destroying my only savior as the wolf? Contemplating my sanity for loving a human this way?

Yes. Simply and completely.
January 23rd, 2008 at 08:09pm