
i really don't get life everyone. tis true. i mean you hear things about life and you hear things about death and do you ever die. man if i could think about what anyone who is reading this is thinking i would laugh. i would. i love to write i do, but sometimes things just come out. i mean thoughts come on and go out. my friends will tell you that they can be so counfused yet understand it at the same time, maybe not though, i could just think that. i would love to be able to hear what people are thinking. what they are thinking about me as i pass by, or what my friends, my friends that aren't super close to me. i mean i think that some people really get mad at me and i can't help it. i don't think before i speak and a lot of people do that, and i am just one of them. so as i end this random journal i say good-bye.
January 24th, 2008 at 06:05pm