They Wrote Back! Again!

Well... my mom got the mail today. And there just so happened to be an envelope in it from Reprise Records addressed to me.


My Chem wrote me back. Again.

And it's two pages long!


Well... here's what it says, spelling/grammar errors and all:

Hey Sam,

Sorry again about it taking so long to write. We all were hanging out with out families and didn't go into work until last week. I really never write to our fans at least like this, but holy shit this book kicks ASS!!!!

We all loved it. My character is like a superhero, holy shit! Sorry I don't mean to cuss so much, but I need to express our surprise and how much we love our characters!! We all rock and there's so much depth and emotion it's unbelievable that your only 13. (almost 14 I did read your bio too!! :} )

Mikey even had Alicia read it was so awesome. She loved it too. She said Mikey's character was perfect. Seriously you got all of our characters to be so much like us it kind of eerie!!

Well fuckin' A, we think you are the most connected, in tune to our music and most awesome fan we have. I wanted to write and tell you we think you're a special kid with a lot to give the world. Keep on writing, listening and loving especially yourself, when your down put on some headphones and listen to our music and know we love you! We dedicate "Give 'em hell, kid" and "Teenagers" to you!!!

To our #1 and freakin' coolest fan, we love you!

The Boys

Gerard, Mikey, Frank, Bob and Ray

And then he signed it.

It's just... Oh my God...

Pictures of the letter and envelope on my profile. (:
January 24th, 2008 at 08:23pm