-On My Mind- +In My Head+ 1/25/08

The Topics that are on my mind
~Happiness- The good, the bad, everything no matter what, that makes me smile
~The 80's- The fashion, the music
~Brokenhearts- Hard times, too many chances
~Confusing love- Everything to do with love!!!
~Guys- 3 simple words: Lost, Broken, Confused!
~Addictions- Hardships, nowhere to turn
~Best friends/Wifeys- Everything! can talk to about anything, a true friend, a true sister
~Crying- About everything in life and at home
~Living in the region- F*cking Sucks! sooo boring
~Sex- COMPLICTED**, confusing, overrated
~Double lives- Doing thing you never would
~Games people play- GUYS!, LIFE!, FRIENDS can be and are stupid at times
~Emotins- Everything you have ever felt rolled into one
~What it takes to be the top, the best- Everything in life!
~**Anorexia/Fighting an eating disorder- Dealt with Anorexia before i was even old enough to go to school. From 4 or 5 and all through elementry school I dealt with it. My hair was falling out, my teeth decaying. Doctors thought I was too young, that it couldn't be that. My mom had the lunch ladies at school sit next to me and make sure I ate all my food! Love your body for what it is! Don't harm it, you only have one!!
~Being a hotmess- Ugly but Hot: haha
~Life- Sucks & Rocks, Its Fierce!!
~The future- Scares me sh*tless, but I can't wait for it
~F*cking Cold Chicago Weather- Worse thing ever!!
~Anthems- Help through hard times, pick a song, make it your anthem, use it when you are having a bad day, or can't get through life.
~John Travolta- Has my heart, Mother Of The Year!
~The *219*- Love it, Hate it, Love to hate it
~Fashion- My Life, My Passion, End of story! No Questions asked!
~School- Sucks, very boring, but its the greatest thing after highschool
~Hotness Guys- HOT!HOT!HOT!
~Being Differen/ An Individual- Hello My Name is SAMM & I am different & I love it!!
~Living outside the box- Truely don't know the meaning, but live everyday trying to do it.
~Money- Need a job! Life is expensive! And it gets harder everyday!
January 25th, 2008 at 08:10am