Kerrang! Gig in Dublin and Meeting Madina Lake

So last night I went to the Kerrang! gig in Dublin as I won two tickets plus a meet and greet with a band of my choice. I picked Madina Lake, hehe. And I decided to ask my friend Tania, even though she's more of a rap kind of person than a rock one but she was still happy to go and everyone else wasn't allowed go cos it was a school night and mocks are next week. =P
So when we arrived this woman Katie brought us inside and we went up to outside the dressing room where apparently all the bands had to squish into. And there was this random guy sleeping on the floor. O.o
So then Nathan came out and gave us both big hugs followed by Matthew and Dan. And aww they're just so nice!! ^_^ And they let us have a look in the dressing room, lmao.
They then brought us down onto the stage and showed us the equipment and stuff and Katie took some pics of us and said she'd put them on the Kerrang! blog! =D
Then Mateo came out and he was hell nice. So we all went back to the entrance hall and Matthew (or Nathan, I can't remember, they look too alike!) nearly fell over the railings and down the stairs O_O but it was ok, lol.
So they signed a bunch of stuff and I got some relentless energy drinks.
And aww bless they could hardly understand us with their American accents. ^_^
So then we said our goodbyes and left to join the end of the Q. But when we got in we got to say "We're on the guestlist" hehehe.
When we went in Circa Survive were playing and they were pretty good. But then when we were waiting for Fightstar to come on they played this really weird country music, lmao.
But then they came on and they were really good. Then came Madina Lake and that's when the crowd flipped and just went insane. There were balloons and confetti and Nathan crowdsurfed twice! The first time I touched his hair (hehe) and the second time he must have jumped on some little girls cos he almost fell and they couldn't pass him back for ages, lmao. And there was a really viscous mosh pit circle thingo. O.o
And I lost my shoe twice, as did this other guy. Converse + mad mosh pit = not good!
And aaah Nathan said that he could high 5 the people at the front easily but the people at the back would have to jump on their friends to come to the front, which of course didn't have any good results. But it was still pretty damn awesome, hehe.
So then it was a while before Coheed and Cambria were gonna come on so Tania wanted to go out for a smoke and I finally tried one but I looked like such an idiot coughing my guts up, lmao.
Oooh and I saw a girl wearing a T from the MCR gig in Belfast I went to!
So anways Coheed came on and they were really good! As soon as they came on everyone was like " omg look at his hair!" at Claudio(?), lmao.
But we had to leave before they finished cos my parents were outside to pick us up, =P.
But anyways, best. concert. ever. (cept maybe mcr/msi)
Anyone else there?

January 25th, 2008 at 02:19pm