grounded. life sucks-just another rant. sorry.

one week gone, 3 weeks left of being GROUNDED. i fucking hate it so much.
i feel like i wanna just open my front door and run down my street NAKED. ha, only joking. my boobies would fall off its so cold out there.
i ate too much food today, tomorrow will be better.
okay heres the rundown of my latest dilema;
i met charlie end of july and we dated for about 6months, he cheated once and i gave him another chance. he chated again AND fingered the girl so i dumped him. he begged me to take him back. i said no even though i still loved him i didnt want nto be in the relationshp again.
we stayed best friends for awhile then i decided i didnt want to be his frind anymore coz he was just flirting with me constantl and well...our 'friendship' wasn't working. he then got a girlfriend and bragged about it to me which upset me A LOT. He kept talking about ehr sayng how much he loved.
2 weeks later i find out they;ve broken up because aparently she was boring according to him. now i am scared i can't control myself and i go back to him becaus he is now single.
i dont know.
i loved him and he broke my heart. i remember the summer days, i wa so happy i had everything. it was all perfect and now we barely speak because he's a self centered penis nose!!!
argh! im frustrated!
but im scared if he comes onto me, which he probs will because he is a man slut, and i go along with it and dnt stop it.
someonme tal to me please, about relationships.
or peanut butter.

or you could just chat to me and try and cheer me up. i feel like a depresed cunt atm. not good.

sorry had to get all that out, my rant is not worth listening to haha i doubt anyone at all actually read that.

xx (aka EMMA )
January 25th, 2008 at 08:24pm