Blush Blush *SHUT UP* another blush

So. So. I was walking... yes walking in the hallway with my friend. No wait. I have to start at the .. start? Okay. So I was walking with my friend at LUNCH in school. And like I was all, " that emo dude is so hot." then she was like "go ask him his name" then I was like "no way" then she was like "why" and I was all "because i'm too scared" So yeah. Thats how the whole lunch period went. Me drooling over him, and him probably wondering why I was staring at him. So... then we went in the hall after lunch and my friend was all "you could've just asked him his NAME" and I was like "ok its too late but if he was in the hall right now i'd do it" And she pointed RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME and goes... "there he is" and I was like "HELL NO... I WAS JOKING.". sO she pushed me towards him... and I fell on him, then another dude, then a locker, then my face (and arm). Um... uh... oops right? He looked at me like I was crazy. I think he thought I flung myself at him... um.. why would I do that?
January 26th, 2008 at 06:29am