Global Warming

I just watched An Inconvenient Truth for the first time in ages. I now feel compelled to go out and plant some trees. I've decided that no-one is too young to fight global warming, and I'm going to do my bit. I'm going to write to newspapers. They call us "Clean, Green New Zealand," so why shouldn't we live up to our name? Why is it so hard to buy a hybrid car? Why do you walk down the street and see so much litter and pollution?

I think that all cars older than, let's say, ten years or something, should be taken off the road, unless they have a certificate of restoration ie if they're antiques that have been restored. I think hybrid cars should be readily available, and cheap too! Screw high profits of the industry, the profits can be made when the environment is saved! Let's put the petrol industry out of business by making petrol cars so hard/expensive to buy that they're obsolete! Let's improve the public transport system!

Factories: I hate them. Every time I see a picture of a factory spewing smoke or gas, I feel the urge to destroy the factory. Why don't we get rid of the machines that make all these disposable items and instead offer the job to PEOPLE, who will make long-lasting, non-disposable items. It's two birds with one stone! Three even!

Go out and plant some trees. They take in Carbon Dioxide and turn it into Oxygen. Plants are your friends!

And finally, watch An Inconvenient Truth, if you haven't already. And if you have, watch it again! Remind yourself of all the things you saw that made you go "Oh my god. Something has to be done about this." Go to Global Warming is not a hoax and it is serious. Do something NOW, before it's too late. Tell your children, your parents, your grandparents, your friends- hell, even tell the man at the supermarket checkout. Tell everyone. Scream it to the world, make them listen. Together we can save our planet. And it is possible.

This is possibly my longest journal ever. Certainly one of. Well, just shows how much you can say when the point is an important one.

January 26th, 2008 at 06:48am