When You Look Me In The Eyes Music Video + Camp Rock

Oh my Jonas, I just saw the music video a couple hours ago TV and later on on MySpace X3 thanks to the Jonas Brothers! I TOTALLY fell in love with that music video, esp. when that's my fav. song! They looked SO cute in that, esp. Nick *sighs* oh my god, my heart like literally stopped with I saw him. To see him look sad in the beginning next to the window at "If the heart is always searching, can you ever find your home", made me sad; I hate seeing him like that, I just wanted to hug him so much! You can tell, I love the guy...A LOT, I love all three of them more than life itself. Joe was unbelievably cute! -- Let me rephrase that, unbelievably sexy! And Frankie, sweet, ADORABLE, the-next-joe, Frankie, my baby boy! He was so cute in that video! I haven't seen him recently, he's grown so much! They've ALL grown so much; they were first the little band of three brothers first doing Mandy and now they're the concert-sold-out-in-30-secs, overly-popular, so-much-fame, HUGE-amount-of-fans, COMPLETELY-loved-by-fans, amazing, unbelievably-talented Jonas Brothers! I miss the days where it was easy to get tickets because not a lot of people knew them, but it's still an incredible honor and good for them that they've made it this far. It's exactly what the music video shows, hoe far they made it and they WILL go even farther. They'll be the next Elvis, remembered by all, just you wait, and I'll STILL be there cheering them on like I've been doing for these past 2 years.

That Camp Rock commercial officially rocked my mother effin' socks off! Even though it was like 30secs-1min, I SO saw actor potential in Joe! I can't believe they moved Camp Rock from Friday to June...I can't wait that long! I'm VERY impatient when it comes to the Jonas Brothers. Demi Lovato is VERY lucky...Man, what I WOULDN'T do to be in Demi's shoes right there.
Okay, now this confuses me, is Camp Rock the series or is J.O.N.A.S. the series? Cuz I can't remember anymore, I heard somewhere one of those movies were a series. If any on of them is, I can't WAIT to see the JONAS BROTHERS EVERY FRIDAY OR SO!!! I don't have to keep going to YouTube to watch them! I have officially watched over 300 videos of them, I swear. I can't help myself, if I watch ONE video of the Jonas Brothers (esp. seeing Nick smile), it'll turn into a whole day of Jonas videos and that's not really good when you have a TON of homework to do.
As you can see I have FULL-BLOWN OJD and ONJD (Obsessive Nick Jonas Disease). His smile is so unbelievable (so is Joe's and Kevin's, CUTE!); it's amazing that one person can have THAT much of an effect on another person with one little smile, esp. when his teeth show *sighs* I gotta go watch that Shine-On Media interview video again... ONJD can be REALLY troublesome sometimes...but I wouldn't have it any other way =] I wish I knew either one of them, which would result in knowing all three of them =]
Haha, wow, I just have a weird thought -- well, a WISH really that somehow, someway all four of us would get stuck in an elevator and we would have nothing better to do than to make conversation which would end up in TOTAL friendship! *sighs* All I can do now is dream...at least it's as close to them as I'm EVER gonna get...
January 26th, 2008 at 08:43am