A Christmas Rant - A little Late right?

Well, I've decided to do some ranting about this Christmas who-ha.

Okay, so I understand that Christmas seems to be the most dominated holiday during the month of December and all the "holiday" sales are during the week before and even the week after. But, do people really need to get upset about it? Enough to call a Christmas tree in a mall a "Holiday" tree instead of a "Christmas" tree? I mean come on, if I owned a mall and I was a good Christian, I would put a damn tree in my mall and I would call it a "Christmas" tree because guess what, it IS a Christmas tree! And, it's freedom of speech, if I want to call a tree a Christmas tree than I can now can't I?

If you want to equal out the "holiday" crap, then sure just add some other holiday stuff around your mall or office that go with other holidays of other religions right?

And... STOP KILLING CHRISTMAS. There is no need to make Santa skinny because someone said he's promoting obesity (sorry if that is misspelled)! Santa is supposed to be a fat jolly old guy! If your kid wants to eat a crap load of junk food - it's not because he watches Christmas cartoons and sees fat ol' Santa trying to slide down a chimney. [Hopefully they won't take that out saying its promoting "burglary"].

And the "ho ho ho"s are being changed to "ha ha ha"s... can you stop killing century old traditions? Besides "ho ho ho"s are the butt of all older people's jokes right? And kids all know Santa for that.

And if people don't want Christmas songs being played all over the radio 24/7 - well then that's too bad because some people like to hear the jolly tunes we know and love. And if you're of a different religion, well get creative and create a song you and your family and friends can sing during your holiday season - who cares if they play it on the radio or not.

I don't mean to offend anyone, I wouldn't mind other religion's holidays to be more prominent - heck it'll enlighten me on their traditions and ways of doing things. But, don't go killing Christmas just because it happens to dominate the month of December and most of everyone's life.

*sigh* ok I'm done with my Christmas Rant =]
January 26th, 2008 at 11:05pm