Eep! O.o

I've never seen Blair Witch Project...

So now I'm watching it... Alone.

I'm SHITTING myself. Please talk and distract me....

On the other had... Avemged Sevenfold in Cardiff tomorrow. Anyone else going? Aaaaand I just found out that Kill Hannah are supporting Aiden in March in a TINY venue <3 Good times? I think so =D

"It's the same log..."

I hate this film! I'm such a wimp =0 Honestly... why would anyone want to watch this film for fun....? Why am I watching this film? Not for fun obviously... It's one of those things where you can't look away.

Those voodoo whatsits and the rocks are creeping me out BIG time. I'll be sleeping with the light on tonight.
January 27th, 2008 at 12:56am