What i feel

I go to an all-girl Roman Catholic shool and they're very accepting of lesbians. One of the jokes made about my school is that if you go there you are either a slut or a lezbo. I always laughed it off, but lately I have been having feeling for this girl.She is the only girl i feel like this for. She's sweet and kind and cute. But very very straight.

If a told her it would ruin our friendship. I have fallen for my guy friends all the time but this is the first time i have fallen for girl. If i told my friends they would be scared that i like them, Because i'm very affectinate with my friends. In fact the girl i like is the only one i don't pounce on and hug. I just give her a small side hug.

I guess i just needed a small vent. I feel much better now that i said it. And of course she'll never read this.
January 28th, 2008 at 02:48am