Not So Pleasant Surprises 1-3 of 40

Title: Not So Pleasant Surprises (1-3 of 40)
Author: Kizzymie
Rating: NC-17 later on
Pairing: Gerard/Frank and mentions of the women they keep.
POV: 3rd i think
Summary: They think they know him... but they have no idea. The surprises just keep coming.
Disclaimer: MCR, Their wives, gf's and others are not mine. If I owned MCR i would be rich and wouldnt be here writing this.
Author's Notes: First mpreg be gentle =)
Beta: oh_i_swear... I suppose this is dedicated to you as well since you started my new obsession!

Chapter 1

Christmas was fast approaching; his first with her by his side. Everything was so new so exciting. So many problems had rocked the band over the last year. Heartache, heartbreak, mental illness… now it was Bob’s hand that was injured. It made him wonder if they were getting too old to play the rock star roles.

No one could have predicted all the crazy things that had gone on the last 11 months. Three of them married now, 2 on the verge of marriage. The fans had all gone nuts over these things. They wondered if there would be a fall out over it, but in common fashion the fans settled down and embraced the “new” guys, and all that went with them.

He stood idly by the window in the dressing trailer. The current venue’s facilities were undergoing updates and they were to each have their own trailer. Since “The Black Parade” tour there had been lots of their own things while on the road, very little sharing necessary.

A light tapping on the door is heard with a gentle voice calling, “Gerard?”

He is brought back to earth by this. “Yeah, coming… hang on,” he says shoving his bags out of his way with his foot.

He opened the door, the light blinding him. “Frank, is that you?” His eyes watered by the sudden onset of light.

“Yeah, I just wanted to tell you the foods here.” Frank said as Gerard blocked the sun with his hand to see him.

”Sweet! I’m starved,” Gerard said bounding down the small steps shaking the whole trailer as he disembarked.

Gerard threw his arm around Frank’s neck as they made their way back into the backstage area of the venue. Married or not, he and Frank did things like they always had. They were in all points and aspects “together”, a fact known to the other band members and one wife, that wife being Frank's not Gerard’s.

It wasn’t that he was keeping it from her, more she had an inkling. Who wouldn’t have the slightest clue? They were the way they were, on stage, for a reason. They were always “hanging out” together. And as soon as they would leave each other for a break, the text messages and emails would explode into life.

Frank bumped the other man’s shoulder playfully, causing him to giggle. They had been on a plane for a good while. Flying from Singapore to Hawaii was deathly to someone who hated heights and small places like Frank did. Gerard, on the other hand, had slept the entire way there and was still a bit groggy.

“What’s up with you man?” Frank asked.

“I don’t know really. I am so tired. I feel like I could sleep for days.” Gerard said adding to the statement with a wide yawn.

Frank stopped in his tracks with his mouth hanging open, “You… Gerard Way… could sleep for days?”

“Oh shut the fuck up.” Gerard snapped as he rolled his eyes. Frank giggled like a little girl.

The two rounded the corner, finding the food spread out on two different tables. The smells wafting into the air hit Gerard like a ton of bricks.

“Oh my god…” he said wide eyed bringing a hand to his mouth.

“I have to go.” He said with a muffled gag into his hand.

He swiftly walked away down the hall as fast as his feet would carry him. He stopped, finding a water fountain hanging from the side of a wall. He loathed the germ ridden things with all his being, but he had to have a drink of water. He lapped it up, gulping it down as fast as he could, hoping this would push the nasty contents of his stomach, back down. The next feeling was that of cold sweat forming on his forehead and chest. He was sure he was pale as a ghost and all he wanted to do was lay down.

He couldn’t walk, he was too weak. He leaned against the cold concrete blocked wall, sliding down it, slowly turning to his side. He pressed his moist face against the chilled wall in the hopes it would calm him a bit.

Footsteps could be heard but he didn’t care, because he still felt a bit ill.

“Dude what the hell?” He heard Franks voice approaching him. “I thought you were starving.”

All Gerard could do was shake his head. His chest heaved heavily with his eyes pressed shut.

“Man is everything alright?” Frank asked softly, squatting beside him rubbing his shoulder.

“I feel nauseous, very…” Gerard stopped and swallowed hard. “Hey can you get me a diet coke?”

“Sure, you want it in a cup with ice?” Frank asked before standing to his feet.

Gerard nodded, eyes still closed.

Chapter 2

By the time Frank returned with his drink, Gerard had managed to move his back up against the wall, still in the floor. Mikey and Ray had made their way to the ailing man.

“Do we need to get a doctor?” Ray asked, with his arm propped against the wall above Gerard.

“Nah, I must be getting a bug or something. I haven’t felt 100% in a couple of weeks.” Gerard explained.

“Well we need to get you out of the hallway.” Frank said with concern.

“Yeah, yeah just give me a minute.” Gerard said taking the drink out of Frank’s hand.

He swallowed the familiar fizzy liquid, hoping it wouldn’t turn his stomach. After finishing the contents of the cup, he let out a large sigh and looked up. He saw Mikey, Ray and Frank staring at him.

“Good grief!” Mikey started, “You better slow down or you are going to puke that up!”

“I’m feeling a bit better now. The smell of all that different food mixed together was noxious.” Gerard said with a scowl, pressing his lips together in disgust.

He stood up slowly. “Ok I’m good.” He tried to assure them as he chucked the empty paper cup into a near by garbage.

For the next few hours, he went about his business as he would at any other show. After his nauseous incident he had returned to his trailer to lay down for a bit. He still hadn’t felt like eating much. All he wanted to do was swill soda. It made his stomach feel better.

Then it was time for the show.

“Hey you! You feeling better? Haven’t seen much of ya,” Frank said as Gerard joined them behind the stage.

“Oh yeah I’m fine, I’m fine.” He repeated trying to convince himself more than anyone.

Everyone started their ritual jumping jacks and high fives. Gerard sat this one out. Everyone just sort of looked at each other, all thinking the same thing. Gerard had never missed a backstage ritual much less sitting one out. No one said a word. They took their places on stage.

The show was going as all others had, they only had two songs left.

So far so good, Gerard thought to himself.

He started the first verse of 'House of Wolves' and saw Frank making his way over too him. The crowd roared even louder. He closed his eyes and opened his mouth to sing only to feel fingers being shoved in it and grinding on his thigh. His eyes popped open as the taste of metal filled his mouth. He heaved and his stomach churned. Frank saw the look on his face and immediately removed his fingers and backed away.

Gerard couldn’t sing anymore. He couldn’t deal… it was coming up. All five soda’s worth. He tried to swallow it back down to no avail. There it was. The crowd almost fell silent as they watched the mess splatter everywhere.

He jogged off stage and hurled the remainder of his gut all over the backstage floor. The guys just kept playing the song hoping to see him come out once again. Minutes later he returned and finished the little bit of song left.

He apologized to the crowd and told them he hadn’t been feeling great. Gerard finished the last song and exited the stage immediately. He didn’t stop. He went straight to his trailer and threw himself on the couch.

“God I feel like I am dying.” He said to himself.

“Not dying, just sick,” Frank said as he walked up the skinny steps.

“Humph.” Is all Gerard could say, as he lay with his arm over his face, remaining as still has he possibly could be.

“I am so sorry I had no idea that would make you puke. I wouldn’t have done it if I thought…” Frank said as he dampened a wash cloth in the small sink in the back.

“That’s ok.” Gerard interrupted with an almost whisper.

“Raise up a bit.” Frank instructed as he slid his hand beneath Gerard’s head.

Gerard slowly eased upwards as Frank slipped behind him on the small couch. He laid his head in Franks lap turning on his side facing him.

“Frankie, I don’t know what the hell my problem is. I have felt so bad lately.” Gerard said muffled by Frank’s shirt.

“What hotel are we staying at? I need to get there soon and lay down in an actual bed.” Gerard said rolling onto his back again.

“I don’t know, but all the cars are waiting for us. We can go whenever we want.” Frank assured him as he swiped at Gerard’s forehead with the cloth.

“Ok let’s go then.” Gerard said jumping up from the couch. He started cramming things in his bag with a sudden onset of speed.

“Umm ok, I have to get my stuff.” Frank said hurriedly stepping out the door, and then he paused. “Are you going to be ok until I get back?”

“Yeah, yeah, just hurry up.” Gerard said never looking up, still shoving things in his bag haphazardly.

In the car, Gerard propped his head against the seat with his eyes closed. Frank just stared at him.

Luckily, it was a rather short ride to the hotel. As the car stopped, Gerard threw open his eyes, threw open the door and hit the ground running. Frank stopped, stared, and then hopped out of the car. The driver helped him retrieve their bags from the trunk. From the bushes near by he could hear Gerard heaving and heaving. He pursed his lips together.

“Sorry, I’ll take his bags too.” Frank told the driver handing him a wad of cash from his pocket.

He struggled as he dragged both bags behind him. He came up behind Gerard, who was still heaving in the bushes. Gerard turned around wiping his mouth, his face pale.

“Oh dear god, I have nothing in me left to vomit!” Gerard said taking the larger rolling case from Frank.

Frank just shook his head and followed behind him

The shorter man slid the key card in the door. Gerard stood there beside him with a vacant look on his face, saying nothing. Gerard entered, leaving his suitcase near the door. He flopped down on the bed.

“That’s it. As much as I hate doctors I need one.” Gerard huffs.

Franks eyes stretched wide. This is a first he thinks to himself. “You want me to call Brian and get him to send one round?” he asks.

“No, I’m just going to wait until we get back to Newark tomorrow evening.” Gerard stated.

“Get some sleep.” Frank says sitting by him on the bed. He leans down and kisses him on the forehead.

Chapter 3.

There was something about Gerard the others didn’t know. No one knew, not even Mikey.

When he was born, he was different from all the other babies. So different in fact, that his childhood was filled with doctor appointments and medical studies. He was what was referred to as a hermaphrodite. There were lots of others out there, but not quite like him. He was by all definitions both a guy and a girl in one. He had full functioning male anatomy and the internal organs that go with it. And unlike most hermaphrodites, he also had semi functioning female internal organs. There was one ovary and a uterus. On occasion his hormones would get all out of whack due to what girls would refer to as ovulation. No he didn’t have a monthly visitor like most females would. There were parts missing but the organs did function enough to cause problems with his hormones.

The doctors had wanted to remove one set of the organs, but Gerard’s parents wouldn’t hear of it. He would be raised as a boy, but if ever he thought he didn’t fit that category it would be up to him to identify with the sex he felt most comfortable. So far he had felt most comfortable as a boy.

When he was 13 he refused to be poked, prodded and studied by the researchers anymore. He locked himself in his basement and became the tortured soul everyone knows him as today. Regardless of what he was, or did, his parents loved him no less and supported him fully. Mikey had no idea, he just thought Gerard was sick all the time and had to go to the doctor. The band, his outlet for all that was evil, was what kept him sane. His relationship with Frank is what kept him happy. His wife was the new highlight of his life, but he was still trying to work out the husband role. During those “hormonal” times he wasn’t quite sure if he had made the right decision marrying her or not.

As he left the plane, he could only surmise this was going to be hell on earth. He would go to his regular physician, be stabbed with needles having blood taken, only to be told he had a virus or a hormonal imbalance that was going to require a pill.

He threw his glasses on and slung his head to the side flicking the long strands of hair out of his eyes. He still had a hint of nausea but nothing he hadn’t felt before in the last three weeks. He could deal as long as the bile stayed down. A finger found his belt loop and hung on. He turned his head to the side to see amber colored orbs blinking at him lovingly. If he wasn’t feeling so pitiful he would have melted.

“Since Lindsey is still on tour, do you want me to go to the doctor..?” Frank offered only to be cut off quickly.

“NO! I mean... no, that’s ok.” Gerard returned with half a smile.

He grabbed Frank by the back of the neck and pulled him in close. He kissed him slightly on the mouth, then quickly twisted him into a hug.

“I will call you when I get out tomorrow.” He whispered into his ear.

”I love you.” Gerard said squeezing his small frame tight and letting go quickly.

He glances around the terminal; no one saw the exchange.

“Yep I know.” Frank said winking playfully.

"I hope you feel better soon.” He sympathized, out of ear shot, as he watched Gerard run his fingers through his hair and catch a cab.

“I hate to see you like this.” He thought out loud, watching his heart pull away with the cab.
January 28th, 2008 at 03:32am