Avenged gig <3

Whoop, saw Avenged Sevenfold in Cardiff last night <3 AMAZING GIG!

I live in Bristol so I got a lift up there with my two friends which was cool. They picked me up at 5.30 and we listened to 80s pop on the way <3 whoop.

Anyway, got there 15 mins before doors opened and founf our other friend right at the front of the queue after waiting for 2 hours, so we joined her. I felt a little guilty because people who do that are one of my pet hates... But I could live with it =P

The first support act, Black Tide, were amazing. Got lots of love for them, then Bloodsimple came on, which was a MEGALOLZZZ moment, they were pretty good despite the screaming =D

Anyway Avenged Sevenfold came on... ZOMG <3 At first it was a bit crap.. I was forced against this old, bald fat dude who was sweating in my face... But then I chucked my water over him and we survived =]

We were on Sinsiter Gates side, so I got loads of pictures of him and he winked at me =D yayness.

So overall... YAY!

I'm still psyched. Especially as there's 30STM on Thursday and Art Brut on Friday <3
January 28th, 2008 at 07:12pm