2 Days In A Row?

My mom just told me I could stay home tomorrow.
Ya see, I'm slowly getting over this really shit-tastic cold... I've gone through 3 1/2 boxes of tissues in 3 days.

I mean, it's not going to break my heart to miss another day of school.
there's two projects due tomorrow that i have no idea what to do on...
and a couple people i'd like to see run over by a rabid fat man.

but really, i just don;t want to go around school tomorrow honking like a dying goose.
cause i blow my nose loud.
but if i stay home i'll be bored.
if i go to school... at least ave a couple friends to talk to...

i dunno...
just... i don't handle boredom well.
but nor do i handle sickness well...

i dunnno why i even posted a journal about this...
anyways, could you help me decide?
cause i can't...

even though i'm leaning towards staying home...

January 29th, 2008 at 03:27am