I love him...My friends say Shouldn't Love Him....<3

I love him.

He knows...

I love him.

He doesn't care.

Everywhere I go he is there.

When I see him my face gets bright red.

I get embarassed easily around him.

Is that love?

He makes me feel confident, safe, on top of the world.

Is that love?

He sees me in the hallway and goes right for a hug.

His arms wrap around.

I love that feeling.

I think that is love. All of it. The feeling I get around him. Everything.

My friends say I shouldn't love him because he messed with me.

He pretended to like me.

But I like him...a lot.

Dear Heart,

What do I do? Everyone says to follow you but yet they tell me to leave it. Ahh! I wanna ask him out and I want to be his, but no one says I should be with him. That I am better then him. That I don't need him but I know I do. Help....

January 29th, 2008 at 06:33pm