Hello my beautiful friends

Director's Log: (LOL HA sorry I had a Paranormal State moment) Just a random entry here nothing really to say expect Panic At The Disco's (As you can see I didn't put the ! at the end of Panic cause well they got rid of the !) new song came out on their MySpace page last night. Nikki and me stayed up in her room till 9:00 waiting for it to come up on their page and when it did Nikki went freakin' crazy. It's available on iTunes today it's called 'Nine In The Afternoon' you should go check it out on Panic's MySpace page it's an awesome song but then again did you really expect anything different from Panic lol ha.

A new 'Paranormal State' last night great as always lol god I love that show lol ha ha. Not to mention the Director and Founder of PRS is so hot lol ha ha sorry had a moment. Lets see how many of them I can have through out this entry lol.

American Idol is on tonight lets see what kind of nut jobs we get tonight lol.

What else did I want to post about oh the Super Bowl is this weekend lets see how long it takes for my parents to place a bet with each other. Last year my Dad came up with the idea and forgot he didn't go to the bank that day so he bet I think it was five dollars in two dollars and the rest in change lol my Mom was like what? lol.

Don't you just love random blogs you always seem to run out of things to say lol.

Nikki finally got the CD in the mail she ordered off of BestBuy.Com after my Mom called them and they had to reship it. She got Metro Station’s CD.

I should have the first chapter or first two chapters (most likely the first chapter) up tomorrow of the 'Paranormal State' fan fic I was telling you about yesterday, so stay tuned for that.

Well I think that's all so till next time and remember, you can try but you just can't stop, fangs up, Cobra style.
January 29th, 2008 at 09:57pm