To whom it may concern.

I've felt like total hell for the past 4 days or so.
I told my mom I had the flu.
She took me to the doctor.
I told them I had the flu.
They asked me a bunch of questions.
Gagged me with a Popsicle stick.
Shoved a giant Q-tip up my nose.
Had me swallow the most disgusting substance known to mankind.
Made me wait in that little room for 40 minutes.
And told me I had the flu.

I know.
Who would've guessed?

I hate being cooped up.
The snow's almost all melted,
and the wind blew a tree over.

I've watched The Village too many times to count.
And I laughed my ass off the Monty Python's cheese sketch.
("Do you have any cheese at all?"
"I'm going to ask you that question again. If you say no, I'm going to shoot you.")
And reread Sonya Sone's books.

I've felt okay since yesterday.
But the doctor guy said not to send me back until Thursday.
I'm sure my homework has accumulated nicely.
Where I spent last weekend feeling as though I was on fire,
I'll spend this one nerding.

I'm going to sneak out and take a walk before my mother can get home and yell at me.

P.S. I have an unbelievably sexy cough.
January 30th, 2008 at 06:16pm