All this because of a Miley Ad?

I don't know if this is just a rumor, but I hear people are starting to hate on Nick. Why exactly? All because of a stupid Niley ad I keep hearing about asking "Is Niley engaged to Nick? Yes or No." or something like that. Why would people start hating on Nick? What the hell did he do? Some people are, no offense, stupid enough to believe something like that? I think Nick knows when he wasn't to get married and I don't think it's at the age of 15... It's not like Nick had anything to do with that anyway. If it was so called "fans" hating on Nick, I don't see how they were fans in the first place. I swear, the Jonas' need to keep their love life on the DL now if one little thing like Miley dating Nick blows out of proportion to them being engaged. Why is it that Miley and Nick, mostly Miley, gets all the trouble of rumors, but not A.J. and Joe? What's so different about Nick dating someone and Joe dating someone, or even Kevin? Why is it that rumors revolve around Nick and Miley now? Do people really hate Miley that much? No one even knows the real Miley other than what you see in the pictures and the media. For all you know, Miley could be a really nice girl if you get to know her, who knows. I wrote down all I needed to say, but I feel like I still have more to say...Oh well, that's all for my rant =] I feel a little better =] I don't really care if anyone reads this or not, just needed to vent, y'know?

January 31st, 2008 at 01:34am